Why Homeowners’ Associations Need Curb-It | Go Trasy
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Living in a neighborhood that benefits from the oversight of a homeowners’ association is a double-edged sword in a few really important ways. On the one hand, because there are rules and regulations pertaining to the way a yard looks and how junk and recyclables are purged, these neighborhoods can look absolutely beautiful, particularly compared to those that do not regulate those things.

On the other hand, keeping up with all that yard work and home maintenance can generate a lot of detritus. Since most people are much too busy to spend every single weekend doing the work and then driving to various junk and recycling centers to rid themselves of the debris, it can be easy to see HOAs as a bit of a burden, at least when it comes to junk removal.

How HOAs Can Make the Most of Curb-It

Thankfully, Curb-It exists to make the lives of residents easier by offering a number of excellent services that HOAs frankly should not be asked to live without. Here are a few ways in which Curb-It should be essential to any neighborhood with an HOA:


While a lot of HOAs offer a recycling service, it is not uncommon for there to be several restrictions on the types of things that can be recycled. If there are items that require recycling beyond the means of normal pickup service, Curb-It can help. In fact, we pride ourselves on upcycling and recycling whenever we can. The landfill should be the last resort, and our recycling services help ensure that throwaways get where they are supposed to.

Yard Waste

Another restriction we see from a lot of HOAs are limits to the type of yard debris they (or the city) will pick up. Curb-It has no such restrictions, and we are happy to come and pick up huge cut-down trees or the gigantic bushes pulled from the front gravel. We even will pick up bags of other yard debris, including everything from weeds to old sod.


Most typical junk services won’t pick up electronics, which means recycling televisions and appliances means a trip to a junk management location that will accept them. These items can be heavy, though, and not everyone owns a vehicle capable of transporting some of these larger items, which is why Curb-It is happy to handle various electronic waste, too.

Bulk Trash

Some HOAs have rules about dumping an old stained sofa or worn out mattress on the curb, so if there is a need to keep neighborhood roads from getting too unsightly on junk day, use the Curb-It app to set up a pickup time for those bulkier junk items that have a tendency to clog up yards and curbsides.

While an HOA will take care of most junk needs for its community, there almost always are some special instances that fall outside of what is acceptable for those service. When those special instances arise, the Curb-It app is a quick and easy way to take care of whatever is leftover.