5 Tips to Get Ready for the New School Year - Curb•It
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It’s that time of year again. The days are beginning to get noticeably shorter, school supplies are front and center in stores, and there’s a general restlessness in the air. School is coming.

The back-to-school routine isn’t always easy – for kids or parents. We all know and love a kid in our lives, so we’ve put together five tips that may help ease the transition from the freedom of summer, to the familiarity of the school year.

Back to School BedtimeEase Back into Bedtimes

As a child, summer meant bedtime at sundown, virtually unhindered exploration of the neighborhood and parks, and late-night reading by flashlight in my room. With the dawn of the school year, those summer habits need to be gently curbed and a regular bedtime reinstated. It’s important to ease back into it as kids will naturally be geared up from months of staying up late, but also because emotionally, they need to be weaned and prepared for the change.

Equipment Check

There’s nothing like getting to school on the first day of class and not having something you need. Take a good look at the school supply list and see what you already have on hand and what you need to shop for. This is a great time to have your kids get involved in back-to-school shopping. Not only does it help check things off the list, but it helps them get in the school mindset.

ListenGoing Back to School

Going back to school can evoke all sorts of anxieties. Watch your child and see if they withdraw into themselves if the subject of school gets brought up. If so, see what you can do to encourage them to talk about their concerns or fears. If your child can’t stop talking about going back to school, that’s pretty awesome! Listen to what they’re excited about and do your best to follow up on those topics once school starts.

Be Positive

It’s easy to see school as ‘one more thing’ you need to do. Kids by nature, often want to please their parents and don’t want to be a burden. Staying positive about getting to see them off at the bus, dropping them off, or getting to spend time with them every day over homework will help reassure kids that going back to school is a great part of the year, and not one to dread.

Set Goals

Getting good grades is important. But, it’s not what life should revolve around. Before the school year starts, consider setting goals with your child outside of school. Chores, music lessons, personal interests like art or science, are all areas where you and your child could set goals. It’s important to find areas where they will achieve success and grow in areas they are naturally good in. Consider also to have the goals be incentive based to encourage your kids to work even harder.

One final tip that’s good throughout the year:

Back to SchoolGet Organized
Make chaotic school mornings run smoother by getting organized. Kids will get ready faster, know what they have, and where it is. Have kids declutter their desks, closets, and drawers then schedule a Donation Pick up with Curb-It (iPhone, Android).


Getting ready for the school year can be a hectic time. But, it can also be a fun time! Look to these tips to find ways to make this time of year a little smoother and to set up the school year for success.