Staying Productive in the Summer Months - Curb•It
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Staying Productive in Summer Months

There’s no doubt, summer can be the best and worst time to get things done. There are more daylight hours, making the work day go by brighter and lightening everyone’s mood. Also, getting off and home from work is invigorating as there are still plenty of hours to do things before your body thinks it’s time to shut down.

On the flip side, your mind is screaming ‘It’s sunny, get me outta here and into a lounge chair (or) to the mountains (or) the river…’ And that’s just it…with summer, the possibilities are endless.

How can we best manage staying productive during this amazing time of year? Here are a few tips to help maximize your work week:

  1. Take advantage of the early hours.

Not everyone works best in the morning, but temperature plays a big role in our productivity. Our bodies are just like Goldilocks: they do best when it’s not too hot, not too cold, but just right. During the summer, morning hours are best suited for work because our minds and bodies are rested and the local environment hasn’t had a chance to heat up.

  1. Stay Hydrated.

Sponges are no good dry. That goes for us, too. Our bodies naturally expel more moisture when it’s hot out. If we all need at least eight cups of water a day, we can certainly add to that figure during summer – even when we’re indoors. Water doesn’t just hydrate our bodies to keep them moving and healthy, water hydrates our minds as well. Drink plenty of water and you’ll avoid feeling lethargic and stay sharp!

  1. Say ‘NO’ to multi-tasking.

Working is like eating chocolate or drinking fine wine – if you’re going to do it, do it 100%. There’s a misconception that doing more than one thing at once boosts your productivity. The fact is,

Little Girl Eating Watermelon

doing more than one thing at a time splits your attention. Focusing your efforts and finishing one task completely the first time, prevents you from having to go back and redo or update it later. This gets you with your family and outside faster.

These tips may seem basic and common sense to some, but it’s surprising how quickly we can forget them in our haste to get out the door.

A final tip: plan your day first thing in the morning to incorporate all these elements. Your productivity will soar and you’ll be out in no time enjoying the best of what summer has to offer.